
Article type:
Original article
Index UDK: 316
Year, Volume, Number:
2024, Vol. 12, № 4 (48)
Pages: 105-117

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Ekaterina V. Shchanina
Doctor of Sociological Sciences, Associate Professor, Professor of the Department of Management and Public Administration, Penza State University, 40 Krasnaya street, Penza, 440026, Russia, shchanina@mail.ru
Aleksei K. Shagalin
Postgraduate student, Penza State University, 40 Krasnaya street, Penza, 440026, Russia, shagalin24@mail.ru
DOI: 10.21685/2307-9525-2024-12-4-10
For citation:
Shchanina E.V., Shagalin A.K. Student youth in the context of a new technological order. Elektronnyy nauchnyy zhurnal "Nauka. Obshchestvo. Gosudarstvo" = Electronic scientific jour-nal "Science. Society. State". 2024;12(4):105–117. (In Russ.). doi: 10.21685/2307-9525-2024-12-4-10
Received: 12.07.2024
Accepted: 30.10.2024
Open access
Background. The relevance of the research topic is due to the fact that recently, one of the key challenges for the Russian economy has become the achievement of technological sovereignty and the role of student youth in this. Currently, the current political and economic situation in the country dictates the need to train professionals who can quickly adapt to the economic conditions, mobile and competitive in modern society. For this purpose, highly qualified personnel capable of developing and creating new technologies should be trained. Without targeted development of university science, without the active participation of teachers and students in research work, this is difficult to achieve. Materials and methods. The study of the roles of students in a new technological order is based on the analysis of the results of sociological research by the Centre for Research and Methodology of the Agency for Strategic Initiatives, VTsIOM. Results. The concept of technological leadership, its goals, objectives, ways to achieve results, as well as the role of student youth in this were shown. The directions and spheres of their activity, types of scientific developments, their practical application for industrial needs are shown. The importance of eSports and its support at the level of the Government of the Russian Federation, its inclusion in the disciplines of higher educational institutions, participation in eSports competitions in the "Games of the Future" are separately considered. Conclusions. As a result of the analysis, it can be concluded that modern technologies contribute not only to the technolog-ical development of the country, but also make it possible to avoid dependence on other countries. A large role in the creation and development of technologies is given to student youth, which is one of the factors of modern technological development. Technological leadership can become a new national goal, motivating young people to go into science and create new technologies.
youth, students, digitalization, technologies, technological developments, technological leadership, scientific research, eSports
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